In Bomb Life 101/ Claire's Life/ Style The Bomb Life 101: I’m a Fashion Industry Survivor!! In a Tope FNR Sequined Camouflage Skirt So Interview #2 went down for my potential future reality show. And while the first meeting was more a ‘getting to know you’ meeting,… Continue Reading →
In Bomb Life 101/ Christian Louboutin/ Claire's Life/ Style The Bomb Life 101: Boss Up! Wearing These Pink Lips by Iris Barbee Bonner Yesterday, I co-hosted a fashion show with Rae Holliday and Power 105.1’s Angela Yee. The headlining designer, Iris Barbee Bonner of These Pink Lips,… Continue Reading →
In Bomb Life 101/ Claire's Life The Bomb Life 101: How to Be a Bomb Brand Ambassador If you watch me on Snapchat, you’d know that my contract with Toyota was renewed!!! Yasss, that means that this is will be my… Continue Reading →
In Bomb Life 101/ Claire's Life/ Style/ Zara The Bomb Life Motto: Spread Your Wings and Fly; Diversify Now that Grammy, Oscars, and red carpet season is done, the FBD team is focusing on spreading our wings and launching new business ventures.… Continue Reading →
In Bomb Life 101/ Claire's Life/ Style The Bomb Life 101: We are Stronger Together I decided to pen this little post at the advent of a new business venture between yours truly and Miss Diddy LA! You heard… Continue Reading →
In Claire's Life/ Prada/ Style The Perfect Match Dinner Style Diary: A Vintage Jean Paul Gaultier Eiffel Tower Printed Top, Muehleder Skirt, and Prada Sandals So last week was all about The Perfect Match! After attending a screening for the Rom Com, I was invited to a dinner, courtesy… Continue Reading →