In Claire's Life/ Featured/ Speaking Engagements Claire’s Life: The Ubiquitous Expo in D.C. with Cynthia Bailey, Brandi Harvey, Germaine Leftridge, Arian Simone, and More! Happy Tuesday, folks! This past weekend, I was graciously invited by Germaine Leftridge to participate in Ubiquitous Expo, a forum focused on haircare for… Continue Reading →
In Events/ Featured Upcoming Fashion Bomb Daily x Claire Sulmers Events: Ubiquitous Expo in DC, Kollection Vol During NYFW, and Who’s the Bawse in Vegas! The Fashion Bomb will be touching down in your town! Read on for a few upcoming events and how you can attend: This weekend,… Continue Reading →
In Claire's Life/ Conversations with Claire/ Featured Fashion Bomb’s Better than Success Brunch in Philly Sponsored by Martini & Rossi + Fab Ways to Wear Black & White Happy Monday, Bombers and Bombshells! This past weekend, I made my way to the City of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia, for the latest edition of… Continue Reading →
In Featured/ Food/ Hotel/ Travel The Bomb Life Guide to Philly in 24 Hours: Where to Stay, Where to Eat, Where To Shop Hey Hey! It’s been a busy past two weeks! But as I board the Amtrak train to head to Philly for our Fashion Bomb… Continue Reading →
In Bomb Life 101/ Claire's Life/ Featured/ Style The Bomb Life 101: Don’t Chase Money, Chase Greatness Fashion Bomb Daily was born out of a desire to fuse my love of passion with writing. My initial musings to myself (and friends… Continue Reading →
In Contest/ Featured Giveaway: Win a Luxurious Lifestyle Planner! As you may know, I am an ambassador for Luxurious Credit! The credit counseling service helps your raise your credit score, save, and get… Continue Reading →